Supersonic Sled | NVIDIA Technology Demos

由MSwain著作·2010—TheNVIDIASupersonicSledisafullphysicssimulationofamechanicalassemblysubjectedtoheavyloads.UsingPhysX,.CUDA,andDirectX11, ...,RailTrackRocketSledTestFacility·TerminalBallisticsResearchLaboratoryRange,Ramgarh,Haryana;SupersonicMil...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Supersonic Sled

由 M Swain 著作 · 2010 — The NVIDIA Supersonic Sled is a full physics simulation of a mechanical assembly subjected to heavy loads. Using PhysX,. CUDA, and DirectX 11, ...

Rocket sled

Rail Track Rocket Sled Test Facility · Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory Range, Ramgarh, Haryana ; Supersonic Military Air Research Track (SMART), Aircraft ...

“Supersonic Sled” by NVIDIA

The NVIDIA Supersonic Sled is a full physics simulation of a mechanical assembly subjected to heavy loads. Using PhysX, CUDA, and DirectX 11, this demonstration ...


2021年6月19日 — ... SuperSonic Sled. 2010/04/18 18:13:43. dhsu0030. 介紹: 下載:

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Supersonic Rocket

由 Y Yu 著作 · 2022 · 被引用 3 次 — The smoother drag curve would allow the sled to move at a more constant acceleration. In general, the RWRRS can increase lift and decrease drag.

GeForce Tech Demos

Taking advantage of PhysX, CUDA, DirectX 11, and 3D Vision, Supersonic Sled strapped you on a high-powered test rocket and hurtled you down a six-mile-long ...

Official NVIDIA Supersonic Sled Demo Thread

Official NVIDIA Supersonic Sled Demo Thread ... Well nobody has even posted here but.. i was messing around with some of the shortcut keys and came up with this ...


由MSwain著作·2010—TheNVIDIASupersonicSledisafullphysicssimulationofamechanicalassemblysubjectedtoheavyloads.UsingPhysX,.CUDA,andDirectX11, ...,RailTrackRocketSledTestFacility·TerminalBallisticsResearchLaboratoryRange,Ramgarh,Haryana;SupersonicMilitaryAirResearchTrack(SMART),Aircraft ...,TheNVIDIASupersonicSledisafullphysicssimulationofamechanicalassemblysubjectedtoheavyloads.UsingPhysX,CUDA,an...